Friday, November 30, 2007

FFA Luminaries

The CAM FFA is helping bring in the Christmas season by placing and lighting the luminaries for this years Christmas walk in Anita.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ag Students to Chicago

The CAM Ag Business class went on its annual Fall trip to the windy city. The kids have seen many sites of the city. The kids have been to a variety of attractions the city has to offer such as the Shedds aquarium,Field museum, CBOT and the Lincoln Park Zoo

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Careers in Agriculture

On Nov 1st Student from CAM's Ag Mechanics and welding program toured Kinzie Manufacturing Plant. The student had the opportunity to see a variety of jobs and career options available to them . The students enjoyed learning about the types of jobs and the potential wages workers can receive.