Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The Cam FFA help sponsor Cougar Traits day helping bring in Ted Weise to speak to the student body.

The Students are starting a new quater with the Natural Resources Class starting to do water testing on some of the local waterways.
Greenhouse management is in the process of starting plants in the greenhouse

Agriscience classes are starting units on food and food processing

The FFA is still working our mentoring program Project pals in which they will be decorating eggs and having a Easter egg hunt with their project pals next thursday april 5


Mrs. Johnson, CAM HS said...

Nice Blog . . . great place to advertise the vocational programs!

Anitaprofessional said...

A big thank you for putting the money up, and discovering, Mr. Weise.

He was the best presenter I've ever watching in all my years hanging around a high school.